If you are a baggage handler, here’s why you never should tie anything to your suitcase.

Trying to make your luggage stand out from the crowd could do more harm than good,

according to a Dublin Airport employee. When heading off on holiday, people often decorate their suitcases

to ensure they are easy to spot and avoid mix-ups. Travelers use trinkets, key rings, luggage tags,

colorful strings, or stickers to distinguish their bags. Tying a ribbon on the handle is a popular method.

However, a baggage handler named John warns that personalizing your luggage could cause issues.

He explained, “Ribbons people tie onto their suitcases to help identify them can cause issues with the bag being scanned

in the baggage hall. If the bag can’t be scanned automatically it can end up in manual processing,

which could mean your bag doesn’t make it to the flight.” He also advised removing old stickers to avoid

confusion during scanning. John shared tips for a stress-free luggage experience, such as placing your suitcase

wheels up to avoid damage. He also highlighted a crucial point: never pack marzipan in your luggage.

The thick paste, made from ground almonds, sugar, and egg, has the same density as some explosives,

which could result in your bag being pulled aside for a thorough search. To ensure a smooth trip, it’s best to leave the ribbons and cake supplies at home.

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