Understanding the Often-Misunderstood Speed Limit Sign

The road sign shown in the image is a black stripe on a white background,

often misunderstood by many drivers. This sign indicates the end of all local speed restrictions

imposed by previous signs, thus implying that the national speed limit is now in effect.

This specific sign is commonly found in European countries, such as Germany and the United Kingdom.

In Germany, it signifies the start of an unrestricted speed zone on the Autobahn,

where there are no speed limits. In the UK, it signals the return to the national speed limit,

which is 60 mph on single carriageways and 70 mph on dual carriageways and motorways for cars.

Knowing this sign is crucial for adhering to traffic laws and ensuring safe driving practices.

Despite its importance, many drivers remain unaware of its meaning, leading to potential misunderstandings and violations on the road.

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