Man Stops To Pee And Drives 100 Miles Before He Realized He Left His Wife Behind

A road trip took an unexpected turn for a couple in Thailand when the husband,

Boontom Chaimoon, accidentally left his wife, Amnuay Chaimoon, behind during a bathroom break.

Boontom, 55, jumped back into the truck after his stop, not realizing his 49-year-old wife

was still outside. The incident occurred around 3 AM, making it even more challenging for Amnuay,

who had to find a private spot in the bushes. “To her surprise,

when she returned to the vehicle, not only was it gone, but her husband was nowhere in sight,” the article recounts.

Amnuay was left in a difficult situation as she had left her cell phone in the car.

With no other option, she decided to embark on a 12.5-mile journey on foot, alone,

in the middle of the night, in search of help. This journey was undoubtedly a daunting task in the dark, without any means of communication.

Eventually, Amnuay reached a police station, where she was able to get assistance.

The authorities helped her contact her husband, who was understandably shocked to learn what had happened.

“Thankfully, no one was harmed,” but the couple’s reunion surely led to a serious discussion about the incident.

This story serves as a reminder of the importance of communication and awareness during travel.

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