For $8300, a man purchased 400 feet of plastic to wrap his house

When nature strikes unpredictably, like during floods, tornadoes,

or hurricanes, it’s crucial to safeguard your home. Texas resident Randy Wagner

spent $8,300 on a 400-foot plastic sheet to protect his house from floodwaters,

ultimately saving him from losses that could have cost up to $150,000.

Before evacuation orders, “be continually aware of your surroundings” and know the best routes.

Pack an emergency kit with a flashlight, batteries, cash, first aid items, and medication.

If you haven’t been advised to evacuate, prepare emergency supplies that will

last for several days even if you lose electricity or water. Prune tree limbs

and clear gutters to minimize damage. Secure the roof, windows, and doors, and consider having a generator or a storm shelter.

If staying home, inform family and friends of your plans. Stay indoors, away from windows,

and set your refrigerator to the coldest setting to keep food fresh longer.

When a hurricane is 36 hours away, stay updated with emergency instructions

via TV or other devices. Charge all phones in case of power outages. Remove lightweight objects outside that can become projectiles in strong winds.

After the storm, check for updates and ensure family safety. Avoid floodwaters due to hidden dangers and possible electrical hazards. Document any property damage for insurance. Always prioritize safety and be prepared. “Being careful is better than regretting it.”

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