Valerie Bertinelli Opens Up About “Hidden Bruises” and Mental Health

Valerie Bertinelli, the renowned actress, has always been candid and real about her struggles

with mental health. In a heartfelt Instagram video uploaded on February 12,

2023, she shared a personal experience while walking and talking to the camera.

Throughout the video, one could hear a swishing sound, which

Bertinelli playfully attributed to her pants rubbing together.

“I can’t help but giggle because I have a small, hidden bruise today,” she said.

“It’s actually the sound of my jeans rubbing together, creating this unique noise, so you can probably hear them too.”

As she walked, her pants made a swishing sound that she jokingly called her “hidden bruise.”

Bertinelli revealed that she had stopped wearing these particular pants because of painful memories associated with them.

She explained that an ex-partner used to mercilessly mock her, suggesting that

if she weren’t lazy and lost weight, her pants wouldn’t make that swishing noise.

It was emotional, verbal, and mental abuse disguised as a harmless comment, leaving deep “hidden bruises” that no one could see.

“But the work I’ve been doing on healing is actually paying off, and it’s making me laugh,” Bertinelli continued with a smile. “I’ve put these jeans away for good.

After healing my hidden bruise, I can now wear them, hear that sound,

and to me, that sound represents freedom.”

Sharing her story wasn’t an easy decision for Bertinelli. She opened up

about her fear of receiving comments encouraging her to “let go” and “move on.”

However, she chose to share the video because, to her, it symbolized progress

and healing. She wanted to reach out to others who could relate to her experiences and let them know they weren’t alone.

The response to Bertinelli’s video was overwhelmingly positive.

Many commenters praised her for her strength and resilience, emphasizing that healing is not a linear process.

One commenter expressed gratitude for introducing the concept of “hidden bruises,”

while another supporter acknowledged Bertinelli as a source of inspiration.

Healing from past pain is an ongoing journey, and Valerie Bertinelli is a testament to that fact.

Watch the video below to learn more about her quest to overcome her hidden bruises and embrace a brighter future.

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