hidden hit counter Watch Out – Don’t Touch The Bottle. This Is A New Carjacking Method That Thieves Use

Watch Out – Don’t Touch The Bottle. This Is A New Carjacking Method That Thieves Use

It’s important to stay aware of potential dangers in our fast-paced world.

A new carjacking technique involving a plastic water bottle has been reported, and it’s gaining attention. Here’s how it works:

The New Carjacking Method
Thieves may place an empty plastic water bottle between your car’s tire and chassis,

typically on the front passenger-side wheel. If you don’t notice it, the bottle will make

a sound when the tire crushes it. This noise can startle you, causing you to stop and investigate,

giving the thief the opportunity to act. They may quickly take your valuables,

like a phone or wallet, or even carjack you if you leave your keys in the ignition while distracted.

How to Protect Yourself
Before entering your car, always check your tires for anything unusual. If you find a water bottle

wedged between the tire and the chassis, stay calm. The thief might be watching you,

so it’s crucial to remain aware of your surroundings. If you feel unsafe,

discreetly call 911, provide your exact location, and describe your situation.

In today’s complex world, staying alert and prioritizing safety can help protect you and your car from being targeted by thieves using this technique.

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