hidden hit counter Stretch your ring finger with your thumb and hold it for a few seconds. You’ll love the reason!

Stretch your ring finger with your thumb and hold it for a few seconds. You’ll love the reason!

Hand Mudras for Healing Gyan Mudra: Thumb + Index Finger → Enhances focus, brain power,

relieves stress, and aids sleep. Vayu Mudra: Thumb + Bent Index Finger → Relieves gas,

constipation, and joint pain. Prithvi Mudra: Thumb + Ring Finger → Improves circulation,

digestion, and nutrient absorption. Agni Mudra: Thumb + Bent Ring Finger → Lowers cholesterol,

boosts metabolism, and immunity. Jal Mudra: Thumb + Little Finger → Enhances hydration,

relieves dry mouth, and restores taste. Shunya Mudra: Thumb + Bent Middle Finger → Eases ear,

nose, throat issues, and vertigo. Prana Mudra: Thumb + Ring & Little Fingers → Increases energy,

boosts immunity, and reduces fatigue. Regular practice supports overall well-being

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